On September 7, 2024, those who believe will see their wishes come true.
If astrology is correct, we'll be able to use the powers behind Mercury's square Uranus transit to help us manifest the things we want right now.
Because this is not regular transportation, we will arrive, but we will have to work for it.
Mercury square Uranus teaches us a few lessons the hard way, but it does not imply failure.
It implies definite success. We simply need to realize that three zodiac signs will have to work for it, but it will be very rewarding in the end.
You don't believe you're asking for too much in this lifetime, but you are aware that certain things must be accomplished in order for you to achieve that level of satisfaction.
While it's exciting to think that today could be a remarkable day for you in terms of witnessing a dream come true, you'll also have a moment of reflection.
Mercury squares Uranus this Saturday, bringing up old memories and perhaps regrets. You're tired of regretting and even more tired of dwelling on the past.