Five zodiac signs have fantastic horoscopes under astrological energy on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, but the rest should keep dreaming.
Mercury conjunct Vesta in Virgo reminds us that intelligence is a tool, not a soul-controller. Be aware of how your beliefs affect you.
You can achieve greatness with positive thinking. Negative thoughts will slow you down and dampen your fire.
The Aries North Node's interaction with the Virgo Sun is also noteworthy. It can be important to accept challenges that make us uncomfortable. Traveling the world for an extreme introvert, learning self-defense for nice people, or finishing a book for the first time all lead to great growth and change.
1. Pisces You face powerful influences on Wednesday, Pisces. Be open to this to find hidden abilities, superpowers, and amazing ideas. You decide how to use your discovery. If you manage them, you'll reap the rewards.
2. Cancer Cancer, Your Wednesday energy is pleasant but wicked. More time spent doing what makes you happy, such with family, is better! Set clear limits so your blessings go where they should.
3. Aries Strong and capable, Aries, you're ready for the following North Node phase. Don't worry. Your Wednesday message and blessing. Be confident in your ability and you will succeed. You'll also discover assistance in unexpected places and people.
4. Virgo On Wednesday, Virgo, celestial factors favor your work and personal goals. Put in the extra effort. You'll get more than you give. That's your secret blessing. After this transit, this energy will set the stage for you to see the fruits of your hard work a few weeks later.
5. Sagittarius Wednesday energy is amazing for Sagittarius! Dress to impress, do what makes you happy, and let the day improve your soul in many ways. You may also find sweet snacks and possibilities.